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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'll Be Back. Schwarzennegar Style

I am still cooking, I promise.  Baking too.  Unfortunately, this week has been rather busy and I've been out to eat for almost every meal.  While this means my belly is very happy, it also means I haven't really had a chance (or need) to bake anything. 

Regardless of how little I may need the actual food product, I can hear my electric beaters calling out to me from inside the cabinet.  The eggs in the refrigerator tempt me every time I go into the kitchen.  They seem to be begging to be cracked and mixed with sugar and butter and cocoa.  But I must resist until Friday when I'm home in Chicago for Thanksgiving.  Then the pumpkin swirl brownies will pour from my fingertips (not literally of course, though that would be a pretty bad ass super power).  I will mix to my heart's content and be, well, content.  Sadly, brownies don't travel well.  And who knows what kind of damage the x-ray scanning machines might have on them.  So I will have to settle with everyone else making the food for Thanksgiving, and me waiting for Friday afternoon to bake for Shabbat.

If I can't scan pictures of those desserts, I promise that next week I will make something incredibly extravagantly beautiful.  It will be worth the long wait, I assure you.

On a completely unrelated and separate note, I would like to take a moment to be thankful for something in particular this Thanksgiving Day.  I would like to be thankful for Herbert Johnson, who in 1908, invented electric beaters. 

While it's possible that I might have far stronger muscles without this invention, it's far more likely that I would just never make anything requiring stiff egg whites.  So next time you eat a meringue, take a moment to silently thank Johnson for his gift to the kitchen without which we might be far less inclined to bake.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving and please keep coming back.  Otherwise I might have to be thankful for the entire pie in my refrigerator.   

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